Israel is heightening its security measures, says Bennett

The government held an emergency Security Cabinet meeting on Wednesday evening because of the wave of terror attacks over the past week. Prime Minister Naftali Bennett announced a number of measures the government was taking in order to counter the wave of terror attacks.

A new Border Police Brigade will be founded in what Bennett deemed as a "strategic" decision based on the lessons learned from Operation Guardian of the Walls.

He also announced that any soldiers with elementary combat training (basic training level 03 and above) will take their weapons home with them on weekends.

There is no limit to the resources the government is willing to pour into the additional forces being deployed to the border fence area with the West Bank, he added. 

The IDF, Shin Bet and Israel Police have broadened their intelligence activity in order to prevent further attacks, he added.

Also, the house of the terrorist who killed five Israelis in Bnei Brak has already been mapped in preparation for its destruction, he said.