IDF 'ready for any escalation, even another operation in Gaza'

These statements were made amid the ongoing wave of terrorist attacks and the Ramadan, Passover and Easter holiday season.

 BRIG.-GEN. RAN KOCHAV, former commander of the air force’s Air Defense Command, takes over as the new chief IDF spokesperson and member of the General Staff. (photo credit: IDF SPOKESPERSON'S UNIT)
BRIG.-GEN. RAN KOCHAV, former commander of the air force’s Air Defense Command, takes over as the new chief IDF spokesperson and member of the General Staff.

The IDF is ready for any possible escalation amid the ongoing wave of terrorism, as well as the Muslim holy month of Ramadan and the upcoming holidays of Passover and Easter, IDF spokesperson Brig.-Gen. Ran Kochav told Ynet, adding it is even prepared for a second Operation Guardian of the Walls.

"We are looking at Gaza, Lebanon, Syria and even the Sinai peninsula," he explained following the launch of Operation Break the Wave to combat the ongoing wave of terrorist attacks. "Our operations stretch far and wide and have deployed our air defense systems. The Gaza Division is prepared to defend on the ground. We will continue to thwart attacks with determination, creativity and every necessary measure."

The Gaza front has been quiet, he said, ever since Operation Guardian of the Walls, the IDF's most recent round of fighting with Hamas in May. "We are prepared for a second Guardian of the Walls, or any action that may be necessary."

Clashes broke out between Palestinian rioters and Israeli forces in the West Bank, with one Palestinian man injured, Palestinian media reported Sunday morning. 

According to the report, Israeli security forces used crowd dispersal methods to break up the clashes. 

Breaches in the West Bank security barrier are nothing new, retired Israel Police Supt. Shlomi Michael explained to Army Radio, adding that the fence had long been neglected and is in poor condition.

"The fence has been neglected for years – these breaches were not created yesterday," he told Army Radio. "We need to invest in budgets now and be better prepared when it comes to the borderline."

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett tweeted that he was briefed on the situation by the Shin Bet, whose personnel "have been working resolutely around the clock since the beginning of the wave of terrorist attacks."

"We are now entering a period of "routine alert," when we want the citizens of Israel to return to routine and security forces to be on high alert," Bennett said, noting that the Shin Bet and Israel Police are working to identify "any trace of an idea or plan for an attack and thwart it in advance."

 Prime Minister Naftali Bennett is seen alongside Shin Bet head Ronen Bar, on April 3, 2022. (credit: HAIM ZACH/GPO)
Prime Minister Naftali Bennett is seen alongside Shin Bet head Ronen Bar, on April 3, 2022. (credit: HAIM ZACH/GPO)

He added: "Together, we will make the effort to break this wave."

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On Thursday, Israel's National Security Council head Eyal Hulta spoke with Egypt's intelligence chief Abbas Kamel to help pressure Palestinian organizations to refrain from further escalating the situation, KAN reported.

This is a developing story.