MK's son, grandchildren injured in car accident after stones thrown

MK Orit Struck's son, age 25, and his two children, aged two and four, were evacuated by Magen David Adom medics to the hospital.

Orit Struck

The son and grandchildren of religious-Zionist Party MK Orit Struck were injured in a car accident after stones were thrown at their car near Huwara in the West Bank.

“Arabs tried to murder my son and young grandchildren in Huwara!” Struck tweeted early Wednesday morning.

“Arabs tried to murder my son and young grandchildren in Huwara!”

Religious Zionist MK Orit Struck

Photos shared by Struck on social media depict the car's windshield having a large crack.

Struck’s son, age 25, and his two children, aged two and four, were evacuated by Magen David Adom medics to the hospital.


"Praying for their complete recovery soon," commented Religious Zionist Party Director-General Yehuda Vald. 

“It’s time for a revised legal system to be established here,” Likud MK Shlomo Karhi tweeted, calling for “Punishment. Deterrence. Governance. Sovereignty.”

MDA medics also treated another man who was injured by stone-throwing near the Binyamin area. He was evacuated to Hadassah-University Medical Center, according to Ynet.

“The State of Israel is not up to a simple task,” Binyamin Regional Council head Israel Ganz said, according to Ynet. “The political echelon has decided to allow this to happen instead of cutting it off with an iron fist.”

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“Jewish blood is spilled again and again in Samaria, and what does the country do? Gets people out of Homesh,”

said Samaria Regional Council head Yossi Dagan. “This government loses the deterrence again and again, and it has to pull itself together. This government fails with security, fails the settlements, and we will change it.” 

This is a developing story.