Tapuah terrorist attack thwarted, Palestinians shoot at Israeli forces in West Bank

Palestinian gunmen shot at Israeli forces stationed at a West Bank checkpoint south of Jenin, Palestinian media reported late on Sunday.

No injuries or casualties were reported in the incident.

Earlier on Sunday, an attempted terrorist attack was reported at Tapuah Junction in the West Bank on Sunday evening, the IDF confirmed. No injuries were reported in the attempted attack and the terrorists were neutralized.

 Knife used in attempted stabbing attack at Tapuah Junction (credit: IDF SPOKESPERSON'S UNIT)
Knife used in attempted stabbing attack at Tapuah Junction (credit: IDF SPOKESPERSON'S UNIT)

Samaria Regional Council head Yossi Dagan congratulated the commander of the Samaria Regional Brigade, Col. Roi Zweig, for the quick action of the soldier in apprehending the terrorist. "the entire nation of Israel salutes the IDF soldier and all the soldiers of the Samaria Brigade, for standing up for the security of Israel and the people of Israel."