New outpost established by Haredim in West Bank

A new outpost called "Derech Emuna" was established by a group of 11 Haredi families near the settlement of Metzad, northeast of Hebron, KAN news reported on Monday.

The Peace Now NGO called for the outpost to be dismantled "immediately."

"The security forces must show zero tolerance for the criminals of the outposts, whether they are ultra-Orthodox, Haredi-national religious, or just criminals. We call on Defense Minister Benny Gantz, who avoids addressing Homesh, to order the dismantling of the outpost today. Every minute that the outpost continues to stand is proof that the defense minister works to please [Justice Minister Gideon] Sa'ar and Matan Kahana, and looks cross-eyed at the ultra-Orthodox parties, at the expense of the interests of Israel, security and two states."