Security forces arrest nine throughout the West Bank overnight

IDF, Shin Bet and Border Police Forces operated in a number of locations in the Judea and Samaria Division and Ha'Bika and Ha'amakim Regional Divisions.

Forces operated in the villages of Beit Awa, Adna, Jifna, the Jilzon refugee camp and the city of Kalkilia, as well as the Jaber refugee camp.

During the forces' activity to arrest a wanted man in the village of Beit Omer, in the area of the Etzion regional division, suspects threw stones, Molotov cocktails and shot fireworks at soldiers. The soldiers responded with measures to disperse demonstrations.

In addition, there was a report of a shooting at the settlement of Bracha which borders the town of Nablus, where another report was received about a shooting at a military position. IDF forces began searching the area, during which small caliber casings were found in both locations.

A total of nine wanted persons suspected of involvement in terrorist activities were arrested and transferred for further investigation by security forces. No casualties were reported.