Wife of the Mayor of Karmiel is suspect of blackmailing and threats

Suzy Koninski, the wife of the mayor of Karmiel, is under investigation for blackmailing a local businessman with threats in order to dissuade him from running in the local elections against her husband, Hebrew media reported on Monday.

Koninski is suspected of hiring a private investigator to obtain materials on the businessman who plans to run against her husband, of which the blackmail would involve incriminating photos, according to Ynet.

The incriminating photos see the businessman was photographed sitting in a casino abroad, hugging and kissing women.

After that, she threatened that if he did not stop his occupation and involvement in local politics and did not withdraw his candidacy for mayor, they would send the photos to his wife. Later, according to the police, the threat was actually carried out and photos were also sent to Knesset MK Eli Cohen (Likud), who is considered to be close to the businessman, Ynet reported.

Koninski was detained for questioning among three other suspects two weeks ago by the National Fraud Investigations Unit at Lahav 422. Among the suspects were two retired senior police officers, Maariv reported.