Palestinian Islamic Jihad threatens Otzma Yehudit leader Ben-Gvir

The Palestinian Islamic Jihad has issued a statement, threatening the life of Otzma Yehudit leader Itamar Ben-Gvir, saying that "his fate will be the same as Rahavam Ze'evi, the founder of the 'transfer idea.'"

The "transfer idea" is a right-wing political plan, identified with former Israeli minister Rehavam Ze'evi, which aims to transfer the Arab population in Israel to other countries, with their consent. Ze'evi was assassinated by a Palestinian shooter in 2001.

Ben-Gvir has responded to the threat saying that "the threats coming from the terror organization Palestinian Islamic Jihad will not deter me. We are determined to restore security to Israeli citizens. It is time to establish a full right-wing government so we can crush the Islamic jihad."