UK Jews purchase emergency system that will help Israelis with earthquakes

In wake of the catastrophe in Turkey and Syria, the anxiety levels of Israel’s citizens concerning the country's lack of preparation for a devastating earthquake peaked again.

JNF UK has set up an 11 Disaster Relief Unit (DRU) across Israel consisting of mobile trailers equipped with essential equipment manned by trained volunteers to help citizens in emergency situations. The trailers are equipped with front-line headquarters and communication equipment, mobile and satellite phones, walkie-talkies, cell phone chargers, generators and water purifiers.

Hundreds of young volunteers from leadership programs are deployed in 11 centers across the country and are taking part in an active part in the Disaster Relief Unit. They serve as an auxiliary unit for the evacuation and aid forces, in coordination with the local authorities.

The DRU’s have already seen action in May 2021 during the Guardian of the Walls Operation following waves of missiles being fired at the civilian population by militants in Gaza.

Following the recent earthquakes, a review and update on the equipment and training was carried out