WATCH: IDF nab suspects who murdered American-Israeli Elan Ganeles

The security forces entered Aqabat Jabr refugee camp in the Jordan Valley earlier on Wednesday afternoon.

IDF soldiers arrest suspected terrorists who allegedly murdered Elan Ganeles (Credit: IDF Spokesperson's Unit).

At least two suspected terrorists who were involved in the shooting attack near Jericho in which Elan Ganeles was murdered on Monday were arrested by Israeli security forces on Wednesday afternoon.

One of the terrorists was shot while trying to escape. His status is unclear in terms of how serious his injuries are.

The IDF captured the suspects in a joint operation with the Shin Bet and Border Police.

The statement said that Shin Bet intelligence led to locating the terror cell, including finding a variety of terror weaponry.

Palestinian media reported that Maher al-Hashlon and four other members of his family were arrested in the operation. A Palestinian named Mahmoud Jamal Hamdan was reportedly wounded during armed clashes that broke out during the operation and was arrested by the Israeli forces. A vehicle was also seized from the camp.

The security forces entered Aqabat Jabr refugee camp in the Jordan Valley earlier on Wednesday afternoon.

 Israeli security forces guard at the scene of a shooting attack in Bet Ha'Arava Junction, in the Jordan Valley, February 27, 2023. (credit: JAMAL AWAD/FLASH90)
Israeli security forces guard at the scene of a shooting attack in Bet Ha'Arava Junction, in the Jordan Valley, February 27, 2023. (credit: JAMAL AWAD/FLASH90)

Armed clashes broke out between the forces and Palestinian terrorists, with three Palestinians reportedly shot and injured.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu praised the bust saying "anyone who tries to harm us, is forfeiting his own life."

Defense Minister Yoav Gallant praised the security forces for catching the "criminal terrorists" and showing that Israel's "long arm" will always bring such persons to justice.

The victim 

Ganeles was murdered on Monday in a shooting attack near the Beit HaArava Junction on Highway 90 in the Jordan Valley. Ganeles' funeral took place on Wednesday afternoon in Ra'anana. His family will sit shiva in Connecticut.

“We are happy at least we closed the circle on the killers within 48 hours,” IDF Commander of the Jordan Valley area Col. Meir Beiderman said in a briefing

“This was a terrorist act from a car that overtook Ganeles’ car and another car with two Jews inside. Ilan was alone in one car. Regarding the two in the other car, their car was hit, but they were not injured. The terrorists went straight to Jericho, burning their car at the west entrance to the city,” said Beiderman.

He added that “they tried to hide in the city. From the moment of the terrorist act, we placed a closure on Jericho and checked every entry and exit fully from every entrance to stop these terrorists from getting out or hiding. They stayed in Jericho the whole time.”

Next, he said, “We also strengthened all the units around Jericho to stop any escalation incidents.”

“Both during routine peaceful periods and more tense terror periods, we acted with great cooperation with the Shin Bet,” Beiderman explained.

In addition, Beiderman said, “We started to prepare with the Shin Bet last night to get ready for a capture operation. Then, this afternoon we got the golden piece of intelligence regarding their location. Within minutes, the Duvdevan special forces, the regular infantry Jordan Valley Unit 47 forces, the border police, and Unit 636 intelligence surrounded and isolated the residence where the terrorists were hiding to scare them out.”

 “Two persons tried to escape on a motorcycle. We fired on them. One was arrested and the other was shot and died on the way to the hospital,” he said.

Finally, he said, “The two murderers themselves came out with their hands up. They signaled where the gun was located which was used to kill Ganeles. So we have the terrorists and the murder weapon.”

Hamas calls for further violence

After the arrests, the Hamas terrorist movement called for Palestinians to "mobilize to support the resistance and repel the aggression of the settlers and the occupation soldiers throughout the West Bank and Jerusalem."

Earlier this year, a new terrorist cell affiliated with Hamas's al-Qassam Brigades announced its establishment in the Aqabat Jaber camp. Members of the cell, which called itself the "Aqabat Jaber Battalion", have conducted armed clashes with Israeli forces operating in the Jericho area on multiple occasions.

In late January, terrorists from the cell attempted to conduct a shooting attack at a restaurant in Vered Yeriho. The terrorists' weapons jammed and they fled back to the Jericho area. The terrorists were killed during an IDF raid in Aqabat Jaber in early February. 

Tzvi Joffre contributed to this report.