Biden speaks with Netanyahu, says he is 'outraged' by Gaza hospital explosion

US President Joe Biden spoke with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Tuesday night, on his way to Israel for a solidarity visit amidst the ongoing war with Hamas. The two discussed the deadly explosion at a Gaza hospital on Tuesday, which killed an estimated 500 people, and the cause of which is still disputed.

The IDF spokesperson said that the explosion was caused by a failed rocket launch by Palestinian Islamic Jihad, based on analyses and intelligence. Video shared online seems to corroborate this account. The IDF also told Israeli media that there is audio, as yet unreleased, of Palestinian Islamic Jihad members saying out loud that they are responsible for the explosion.

President Joe Biden said on Tuesday he was "outraged" by the incident and said he had directed his national security team to gather information about exactly what had happened.

"I am outraged and deeply saddened by the explosion at the Al Ahli Arab hospital in Gaza, and the terrible loss of life that resulted," he said.

"The United States stands unequivocally for the protection of civilian life during conflict and we mourn the patients, medical staff and other innocents killed or wounded in this tragedy."