Former head of IDF intelligence: 'Strategic goal is to revoke Hamas' military capabilities'

"The strategic goal is to revoke Hamas' military capabilities," Major-General in Reserve Amos Yadlin, the former head of the intelligence branch, said in an interview with Army Radio on Wednesday. Yadlin emphasized that the US is "100% behind us" on this objective.

On the topic of the delay in the anticipated ground invasion, Yadlin stated, "The delay on the ground invasion is not because of American pressure." He provided clarity, mentioning two pivotal reasons: "One, is to try, before the step, to do a humanitarian step of, at least, the return of the children... The 9-month-old baby, children under the age of 14... Everyone needs to come home." He further elaborated that the US requested "a number of days because the Iranians are attacking their forces in the Middle East."

Yadlin also touched upon Qatar's association with Hamas, explaining, "Yes, Hamas is part of the same axis of the Muslim Brotherhood, in Egypt, in Qatar, in Turkey." But he was quick to counter, "It was not Qatar who invented Hamas." When probed about Israel's current dialogue with Qatar, Yadlin's stance was firm: "If we will need the help of the Satan that is named Qatar, to bring the women, the children, the injured, all of our people from Gaza, we have to do it. And the score will be settled later."