IDF, Shin Bet carry out operation in Qatanna village in central West Bank

The IDF, Shin Bet, and Border Police interrogated dozens of suspects and arrested three people throughout the West Bank during the week.

Forces operated in the village of Qatanna in the central West Bank, where they arrested two, and the village of Bal'a in the northern West Bank, where forces arrested a third person. They also confiscated weapons and dozens of explosives. During the operation, the fighters fired at terrorists who threw explosives at them.

In the city of Nablus, equipment was confiscated which included a printing press that printed propaganda materials for the Hamas. Weapons and funds were also found in the villages of Dura and Harmela.

The arrested individuals have been transferred for further investigation.

There are no casualties to Israeli forces in the operations. Since the beginning of the war, about 2,600 wanted people have been arrested throughout the West Bank, with half of them being associated with Hamas.