UN rights chief deplores 'entrenched impunity' in Israel-Hamas war

The United Nations human rights chief said on Friday that perpetrators of gross human rights violations in the conflict between Israel and Hamas must be held accountable.

"The entrenched impunity that OHCHR (the UN rights agency) has reported on for many years cannot persist," High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Turk said in a report on the situation in Gaza and in the West Bank.

He said that this impunity had contributed to violations that could amount to international crimes.

Turk urged all parties to the conflict to "put an end to impunity and conduct prompt, independent, impartial, thorough, effective and transparent investigations" into alleged crimes under international law.

He also called on them to implement a ceasefire on human rights and humanitarian grounds, to ensure full respect for international law, and to ensure accountability for violations and abuses.