Year-round daylight savings time could save NIS 400 million - manufacturers assoc. president

The President of the Manufacturers Association of Israel, Dr. Ron Tomer, called for daylight saving time to be applied throughout the year, claiming it has crucial economic benefits.

Daylight savings: Time to roll back the clock. (photo credit: PIXABAY)
Daylight savings: Time to roll back the clock.
(photo credit: PIXABAY)

Switching the economy to daylight saving time throughout the year would save about NIS 400 million per year, the Manufacturers’ Association said, citing research it had done on the topic.

President of the Manufacturers Association of Israel Ron Tomer called for summer time to be applied throughout the year, saying it has crucial economic benefits.

“We don’t have the privilege to waste resources and money for no reason in winter,” said Tomer.

The economic benefits of summer time are the result of the energy savings, which currently stand at only NIS 90m.

DR. RON TOMER: Report reveals only the tip of the iceberg. (credit: ISRAELI PHARMACY COMMITTEE)Enlrage image
DR. RON TOMER: Report reveals only the tip of the iceberg. (credit: ISRAELI PHARMACY COMMITTEE)

How much would be saved if summertime is implemented?

However, Tomer says that if summer time is implemented throughout the year, the energy savings will amount to NIS 155m.

Daylight saving time in Israel is set to start on Friday, March 29, and in Europe on Sunday, March 31.In the US and Canada, daylight saving time began March 10.