Knesset passes law protecting families of reservists from work dismissal

The Knesset plenum approved a bill on Tuesday that extend workplace dismissal protections of reserve soldiers to their children and spouses as well. 

This is an extension of the current law, which prohibits the dismissal of a reservist while he is in the army.

The new law for families of reservists - earning in their absence - applies for the duration of the reserve soldier's service and up until 14 days after it ends.

An employer who violates these instructions, without a prior permit from the Employment Committee, will hold criminal liability and may be subject to sanctions. 

MK Ofir Katz, who put the bill forward, said "This is a revolutionary bill; three months of Sisyphean work. It was written with the aim of protecting our precious reserve families. It means our reservists can concentrate on one thing only - the victory of the mission."