WATCH: Israeli air defenses intercept targets over North, IDF strikes targets in Lebanon

IDF artillery fired toward several areas in southern Lebanon throughout the day.

IDF air defenses intercept a suspicious target in the North. June 21, 2024. (Credit: IDF Spokesperson's Unit)

Israel attacked multiple Hezbollah targets in southern Lebanon on Friday following the identification of multiple launches that crossed from Lebanese territory into Israel earlier in the day, the IDF reported.

On Friday morning, the IDF struck targets in the area of the town of Al Wazzani in southern Lebanon, according to initial Arab media reports. Israeli security forces have yet to confirm the strikes.

Additionally, following the sounding of sirens in the afternoon, in the areas of Kela and Sha'al, the IDF successfully intercepted a suspicious aerial target that crossed from Lebanese territory, the military added.

 Smoke rises above the Israeli side of the Israel-Lebanon border following attacks from Lebanon, amid cross-border hostilities between Hezbollah and Israeli forces, in northern Israel June 18, 2024.  (credit: REUTERS/Avi Ohayon)
Smoke rises above the Israeli side of the Israel-Lebanon border following attacks from Lebanon, amid cross-border hostilities between Hezbollah and Israeli forces, in northern Israel June 18, 2024. (credit: REUTERS/Avi Ohayon)

Launches from Lebanon

Several launches were identified crossing from Lebanon into areas in northern Israel on Friday afternoon. No injuries were reported, and in response, IDF artillery fired toward the areas of Kfarhamam and Labbouneh in southern Lebanon. 

Furthermore, IDF artillery fired toward several areas in southern Lebanon throughout the day, the military reported.

During the night, IDF jets struck Hezbollah infrastructure in the areas of Taybeh and Deir Seryan in southern Lebanon.