WATCH: 'Where were you on Oct 7?': New footage of Hamas hostage Daniela Gilboa published

"I have been in Hamas captivity for 107 days now, and I don't know when or if I will ever return home," Gilboa said.

Daniela Gilboa in footage published July 9, 2024.

New footage of Hamas hostage and female IDF observer Daniela Gilboa was published on Tuesday morning with the permission of Gilboa’s family.

In the footage distributed by Hamas about four months ago, Daniella appeals to the government, asking for her release.

“My name is Daniela Gilboa. I’m a 19-year-old soldier from Petah Tikva, and I was kidnapped on October 7th from the Nahal Oz base,” Gilboa said. “I’ve been in Hamas captivity for 107 days now, and I don’t know when or if I’ll ever return home. I’m under constant bombardment and gunfire 24 hours a day. I’m terrified for my life. At one point, your bombs nearly killed me.

Where were you on October 7 when I was taken from my bed? Where are you now? Why do I, as a soldier who gave 100% of myself to the country and served in such difficult conditions in the Gaza envelope, have to feel abandoned and discarded by you?” she asked.

Daniella Gilboa (credit: Courtesy)
Daniella Gilboa (credit: Courtesy)

'Bring us home alive'

“Get your act together, my dear government, and start doing your job properly to bring us all home while we’re still alive,” Gilboa continued. “I don’t need any food, money, clothes, or anything else–just bring us home alive. To my dear family, I miss you so much and love you – Mom, Dad, Nuni, and Roiko.  Please stay strong and do everything you can to bring me home while I’m still alive.”

Later, the Hostages and Missing Families Forum released a statement that included a reaction to the video from Daniela Gilboa’s mother, Orly Gilboa.

“170 days have passed since the release of the video where I last saw my daughter,” Orly Gilboa said. “In the footage, she appears strong and determined, but psychological assessments we’ve received indicate her poor mental state. Who knows what my daughter has endured in the 170 days since then? I implore the decision-makers to show leadership and approve the deal so that I can embrace Daniela again soon so that all the hostages can return home.”

In May, the Hostages and Missing Families Forum published footage of female IDF observers, including Gilboa, being kidnapped from the IDF’s Nahal Oz base.

The video shows the female hostages, bloodied and bound, as armed Hamas terrorists yell and hurl abuse at them.

On Tuesday afternoon, the forum stated that a silent demonstration entitled, “Mother is Waiting" would take place at Hostages Square in Tel Aviv that evening.

Orly Gilboa will be one of the mothers participating in the demonstration.