UKMTO reports two attacks northwest of Yemen's Mokha, causing minor damage to vessel

The United Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations (UKMTO) said on Saturday it had received a report of two attacks on a vessel 64 nautical miles northwest of Yemen's Mokha, causing slight damage to a vessel.

The captain of the vessel reported "two attacks: the first by an Uncrewed Aerial System (UAS), which exploded in close proximity to the vessel, resulting in minor damage; the second by an Uncrewed Surface Vessel (USV), which also exploded in close proximity to the vessel."

The captain has "subsequently reported further UAS sightings," adding that "both the vessel and the crew are safe."

Reuters earlier reported a separate incident from UKMTO that occurred 83 nautical miles southeast of Yemen's Aden late on Friday. That incident was still under investigation, UKMTO said.