Donation event, search to be held for missing 10-year-old girl Haymanot Kasau

A donation event will be held Tuesday for missing ten-year-old girl Haymanot Kasau, organizers announced. The event will include a blessing by Kessim (spiritual leaders of the Ethiopian Jewish community) and TED style lectures.

The event was announced a day before a planned Israel Police search day set to take place Monday. Mounted police units and police dogs will participate in the search, alongside IDF trackers and staff members of other entities, such as United Hatzalah, according to Avi Yalew, who works with the family.

Kasau, who immigrated with her family from Ethiopia to Israel and lived in the absorption center in Safed, was last seen in February, when security footage showed her at the entrance of the absorption center, wearing a pink sweatshirt, a black skirt, and white sneakers.