G7 FMs, EU voice strong concern over Middle East escalation, calling for restraint

The G7 foreign ministers and the High Representative of the EU issued a statement on Monday expressing serious concern over the escalating tensions in the Middle East, warning that the current situation could lead to a larger regional conflict. Their statement highlights the urgent need for de-escalation and diplomatic efforts to address the growing crisis.

"We, the G7 foreign ministers of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States of America, and the High Representative of the EU, express our deep concern at the heightened level of tension in the Middle East, which threatens to ignite a broader conflict in the region."

"We urge all involved parties once again to refrain from perpetuating the current destructive cycle of retaliatory violence, to lower tensions, and to engage constructively toward de-escalation. No country or nation stands to gain from a further escalation in the Middle East."