US soldier jailed in Russia loses sentence appeal, RIA reports

A US soldier who was sentenced in June to nearly four years in a Russian penal colony after being found guilty of stealing $113 from his girlfriend and making threats to kill her, lost his court appeal against the verdict on Monday, RIA agency reported.

Gordon Black, a 34-year-old US staff sergeant, was detained on May 2 in Russia's far eastern city of Vladivostok after an argument with his girlfriend, Alexandra Vashchuk, whom he had met while in South Korea.

He pleaded not guilty to threatening to kill Vashchuk but admitted he was partially guilty of taking the money, though out of necessity.

Black's defense argued in its appeal that the original verdict was illegal and unfair, and asked for a new trial, RIA reported.

According to Black's defense lawyer, the verdict did not rely on case materials, ignored evidence confirming Black's innocence, and incorrectly interpreted his actions towards the victim, RIA reported.

However, Judge Irina Balashova of the Primorsky Regional Court in Russia's Far East dismissed his appeal. "Leave the verdict unchanged and dismiss the appeal," said Balashova, according to RIA.