KAN reports Israel will finance tours to Temple Mount, NSC denies

Israels National Security Council denied the report that Israel will finance guided tours of the Temple Mount for the first time ever "to strengthen and stabilize the Old City" by KAN news on Monday.

According to the report, two million shekels will be allocated to the project from the budget of the office of Heritage Minister Amichai Eliyahu.

National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir obtained exceptional permission from the police to hold patrols on site, which was approved by the Jerusalem District of the Police Deputy Commander.

"The tours will allow many visitors to receive an accurate version of history," Eliyahu said.

In response to the report, the National Security Council stated: "The National Security Council did not approve and was not asked to approve the tours of the Ministry of Heritage on the Temple Mount. Any publication regarding the involvement of the National Security Council in the matter is devoid of any basis."