Five Hamas operatives arrested in east Jerusalem on suspicion of financing terror

He is suspected of transferring funds through his personal businesses, including a chain of supermarkets in Shu'afat and Anata.

 Interrogation room detective interrogating suspect Police work investigation. 3D Illustration (photo credit: SHUTTERSTOCK)
Interrogation room detective interrogating suspect Police work investigation. 3D Illustration
(photo credit: SHUTTERSTOCK)

The Border Police, Jerusalem Police, and officials from the Tax Authority carried out a joint operation against a man in east Jerusalem suspected of economic involvement with Hamas activities.

The suspect is reportedly a prominent Hamas operative in the Shu'afat refugee camp and is involved in laundering money for and financing terrorist organizations.

He is suspected of transferring funds through his personal businesses, including a chain of supermarkets in Shu'afat and Anata, along with other suspected Hamas members.

During the operation, the forces confiscated more than 200,000 shekels in cash, checks amounting to one million shekels, multiple cell phones, important documents, 3 DVRs, construction plans, computer drives, and three bags full of receipts from businesses through which the suspects laundered terrorist funds.

Five suspects arrested

The forces arrested five suspected Hamas operatives and together were transferred for further processing to the Jerusalem Police Department and the Tax Authority.