IDF commander tells northern municipality heads IDF is making 'significant offensive efforts'

"This week, we are making a significant offensive effort, with strikes that are taking away a lot of [Hezbollah's] capabilities and means," Home Front Command Commander Maj.-Gen. Rafi Milo said to the heads of northern municipalities, the IDF reported Thursday. 

"This cooperation with the municipality, as well as with emergency organizations, the Israel Police, Fire and Rescue Services, and Magen David Adom is a force multiplier and truly allows us to respond to any event very quickly," the general added.

In the last few days, Maj.-Gen. Milo met with the heads of northern municipalities, including Haifa, Tirat Carmel, the Jezreel Valley Regional Council, and Daliyat al-Karmel where he stressed the importance of continuous communication with the civilian sector to enhance emergency preparedness.

Additionally, the general visited the underground center at Rambam Medical Center, accompanied by the hospital's director, Dr. Michael Halberthal, and the Home Front Command's medical department head, Colonel Dr. Liron Gershovitz, to reinforce medical and operational readiness for any emergency scenarios.