Charges were filed on Friday against Ahmed Wadi, a 25-year-old man from Shfaram, who intended to carry out an attack on the city's police station in revenge for the killing of his relatives in Tulkarm.
The indictment was filed in the Haifa District Court.
Wadi allegedly planned to conduct the attack in revenge for the deaths of five of his family members who were killed in an IDF strike on the Nur a-Shams refugee camp in Tulkarm in early October.
The plan for the alleged revenge attack was reportedly devised by Adam Odeh, Wadi's cousin, who resides in the refugee camp. Odeh, who reportedly has connections to terrorist elements, proposed the attack a week after the IDF strike.
"Fortunately, he was arrested before he could carry out his intention," the prosecutor's office told the court.
The indictment indicated that Wadi had been engaged for years in acquiring weapons and smuggling them across the Green Line for sale within Israel.