Aryeh Deri: Rising of cottage prices is like a 'cartel'

Former Shas leader Aryeh Deri on Thursday said that a probe should be launched into economic leaders to find out if they are coordinating prices amid complaints about the rising cost of cottage cheese, and calls within the Knesset to have the product’s price re-regulated.
"All over there is gossip that economic leaders are celebrating, and it's time to see if they broke the law so that they could celebrate," Deri told Army Radio in an interview.
Deri explained that dairy product manufacturers earn far beyond what is reasonable in Israel. "Out of Israel, each dairy product costs half of what it costs here, and international manufacturers that import products to Israel become swayed by the mentality here and raise the prices of their products as well," Deri said in the interview.
"It can't be that in one day everyone decides to raise prices and fees. It seems like this is a cartel," he said.