Attempt to smuggle balloons to Gaza thwarted by Tax Authority

The Tax Authority in Ashdod thwarted an attempt to smuggle tens of thousands of balloons into the Gaza Strip last week.
The helium balloons were found in two containers of old clothing items that were headed for Gaza during a customs and security risk assessment operation carried out by the Ashdod customs house in order to prevent the smuggling of weapons and dual-use goods into the Gaza Strip, according to a press release by the Tax Authority.
The issue was handed over to security officials for further handling. The Tax Authority in Ashdod deals with 90% of the imports into the Gaza Strip and is making efforts to stop the import of balloons in order to prevent the balloon terror from the Strip.
Terrorist groups in the Gaza Strip have renewed the launch of incendiary and explosive balloons in recent days. Some 68 fires were reported in areas surrounding Gaza on Tuesday.