BERLIN - Austrian Defense Minister Norbert Darabos reinforced his attacks on Israel and a leading Jewish NGO, prompting the head of Austria’s Jewish community, Oskar Deutsch, to declare on Thursday to the daily Die Presse that the minister “has problems with living Jews.”
Dr. Shimon Samuels, the head of the Simon Wiesenthal Center´s international division, told the Jerusalem Post that Austria’s government should "denounce and fire" Darabos because he marginalized the Iranian nuclear weapons threat, launched biased criticisms of Israel, and disgraced Austria`s foreign policy reputation.
In a telephone interview with the Jerusalem Post on Thursday, Samuels said “Necrophilia is not an excuse against anti-Semitism. Unfortunately, the European Left uses dead Jews from seven decades ago as a fig leaf to not see anti-Semitism.”
Read the full story here.