‘Bar Ass’n Bill’ passes c’tee despite A-G’s opposition

The Israel Bar Association’s selection of representatives to the Judicial Selection Committee will be retroactively canceled, according to a bill authorized for its second and third (final) plenum votes by the Knesset Constitution, Law and Justice Committee on Monday.
Changes to the original draft of the “Bar Association Bill,” proposed by coalition chairman Ze’ev Elkin (Likud) and Israel Beiteinu faction chairman Robert Ilatov, were approved with seven coalition members in favor and six opposition members opposed.
The new version of the bill declares that two Bar Association representatives to the Judicial Selection Committee will be selected via elections, in which the candidates with the highest and second-highest amount of votes will become committee members.
The chairman of the Bar Association or a representative of his choice would serve on the selection committees for religious courts, as well as one more member of the Bar, who would be elected.
The Bar Association will be required to hold new elections for representatives all three committees up to 30 days after the bill becomes law. The changes to Elkin and Ilatov’s legislation mean that elections that took place last month will be canceled.
Deputy Attorney-General Orit Koren warned that the Knesset is unfairly taking advantage of its authority in order to influence the results of Bar Association elections.