Border Police officer wounded by firebomb while dispersing east Jerusalem Palestinian riot

Vandals deface Jerusalem home of noted secular Jewish educator.

A Border Police officer was lightly wounded by a firebomb Thursday afternoon while attempting to disperse Palestinian rioters in east Jerusalem’s Isawiya neighborhood.
After receiving intelligence that dozens of Arabs living in the community planned on carrying out a riot, a team of officers were dispatched to the flashpoint neighborhood.
“Police responded immediately after learning of the planned riot and were attacked by rocks and petrol bombs when they arrived at the scene,” said Police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld.
“Officers used non-lethal means to disperse the group, and one officer was struck in the leg by a petrol bomb.”
The unidentified officer was treated at the scene by Magen David Adom paramedics before being transferred to an area hospital in light condition, Rosenfeld said, adding that no arrests were made.
Meanwhile, during the early morning hours on Thursday, vandals defaced the home of the leader of a secular Jewish education center in Jerusalem’s German Colony, Rosenfeld said.
Yaakov Maalkin, provost of the International Institute for Humanistic Secular Judaism based in the capital, discovered biblical verses and a Star of David spray painted in Hebrew on the walls and door of his residence.
“Amalek beast,” a reference to the biblical nation that was an enemy to the Jewish people, was one of the phrases scrawled on Maalkin’s property. A knife was also found at the scene.
Police have opened an investigation into the attack. No arrests have been made.