Court criticizes state for zigzag on using Palestinian land

The High Court criticized on Sunday the state for zigzagging in its position regarding building near Alei Zahav a Jewish settlement in the West Bank near the Palestinian town of A-dik.
Builders have been erecting new structures on what Abu Sharifa claims are private Palestinian land, partially in order to create an access roads for existing, but somewhat surrounded Jewish outposts.
In erecting the buildings, the builders have been traveling on private Palestinian land to arrive at the construction site. The involved Palestinians previously petitioned to the court to order the builders to cease crossing through their private land.
Originally, the state said that if the court found that the road which the builders was using ran through private Palestinian land, they would cease to use the road and accede to the Palestinian petition. Yet after the court held that the land was private Palestinian land, the state suddenly asked the court to continue to allow the builder and the nearby settlers to use the road on the grounds that it was the only access road available to them.