Judge Hila Gerstel was approached in 2015 with the following deal, drop a case against Sara Netanyahu and become the new AG, Maariv reported on Monday. The person who made the offer is Nir Hefetz, who at the time was closely associated with Benjamin and Sara Netanyahu. He allegedly made the offer to a friend of judge Gerstel who passed it on. She is reported to have been "shocked to the core of her being" by the offer and the matter was dropped.The case against Sara Netanyahu, known as the PM Residency Case, dealt with unauthorized actions taken by her in regard to using public funds meant for the maintenance of the PM home for her own advantage.The allegations against Miss Netanyahu include that she used public funding to pay for a care-giver for her father and purchase expensive meals when the PM home employs a cook. The case is still being investigated. The Prime Minister Office rejected the allegations they were involved in this matter, that they asked Nir Hefetz to make the offer or that he presented them with this idea.