Diskin says he has 'no faith' in current leadership

Former Shin Bet chief Yuval Diskin sharply criticized Israel's top leadership at the Majdi Forum in Kfar Saba Friday night, saying he has no faith in it and its ability to lead Israel, Army Radio reported.
Referring to the leaders as "our two messiahs," a likely reference to Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ehud Barak, Diskin said "they are not fit to hold the steering-wheel of power. I have no faith in the current leadership in Israel and its ability to conduct a war."
Regarding their handling of the Iranian nuclear issue, Diskin said the leadership "presents a false view to the public on the Iranian bomb, as though acting against Iran would prevent a nuclear bomb. But attacking Iran will encourage them to develop a bomb all the faster."
Diskin went on to warn that political killings like the assassination of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin may reappear in Israel. "There are tens of Jewish extremists in the territories and in Israel that are ready to use firearms against Jews," he said.
Read the full story here.