Egged to increase services to Ma’ale Adumim

The Transportation Ministry, in coordination with the Ma’ale Adumim Municipality, on Tuesday authorized six additional Egged bus routes to the West Bank city, as well as the upgrade of 10 other lines. Additionally, the ministry approved a new fleet of environmentally friendly and wheel-chair accessible Egged buses, equipped with improved PA systems to inform passengers of all stops.
In a statement issued Tuesday, Dror Ganon, director of Public Transportation, said the upgrades are part of a large-scale project to improve the capital’s entire public transportation infrastructure, which will include adding hundreds of new and improved Egged buses.
“Step by step, we will gradually complete a new traffic system in all metropolitan Jerusalem,” said Ganon. “After the changes are made we will connect all the bus lines better so passengers can travel more efficiently to a range of destinations.”
Ganon did not state when the upgrades would be completed, but advised residents of  Ma’ale Adumim to call the municipality’s information line at *8787 for further questions.