Facebook suspends accounts of Israeli far right-wing former MKs

Facebook has permanently suspended the accounts of Israeli radical right-wing activists and former MKs Michael Ben-Ari and Baruch Marzel on Wednesday, according to Israeli media.

Facebook commented that their accounts were suspended for their continued support of Kach, deemed a terror organization by both Israel and the US.
"I wasn't suspended as I don't own a Facebook account, they blocked accounts that mentioned my name," said Marzel.
"I might sue them [Facebook] for defamation for stating I support terror organizations. We have suffered through Pharoah, we'll suffer through Zuckerberg," he claimed.
Otzma Yehudit MK Itamar Ben-Gvir commented on the former MKs suspensions, calling it an "outrageous act designed to shut the mouths of right-wing activists."
In 2019, Israel's High Court of Justice ruled to disqualify Baruch Marzel's Knesset candidacy. Earlier that year, the high court also disqualified Michael Ben-Ari.