Flotilla leader proud of Israeli apology over raid

Bulent Yildirim, mastermind behind the Gaza flotilla, expressed pride over Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's formal apology to Turkey for the 2010 Mavi Marmara raid, Turkish daily Hurriyet reported on Friday.
Yildirim is the head of the IHH, an organization that has been held in the past under suspicion of fostering ties to terrorist group al-Qaida.
He called for further resistance and was quoted by Hurriyet as saying, "the struggle will continue until the blockade is lifted."
The report notably included that Yildirim expressed his belief that the pending trial against former Israeli commanders involved in the raid would continue as planned, apology or no apology.
This belief contradicts reports that Turkey will drop the trial as a result of the re-conciliatory conversation which took place between Netanyahu and Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan.