Hate sign put up against lesbian kindergarten teacher in Be'er Ya'acov

"It is an unending frustration and unfortunately the police are doing nothing to stop this hatred," kindergarten teacher Aviva Levi said.

A sign which says "[this kindergarten] is run by lesbians" was hung on a short railing near Moatza square in Be'er Ya'acov, April 21, 2021. (photo credit: THE AGUDAH - ISRAEL'S LGBT TASK FORCE)
A sign which says "[this kindergarten] is run by lesbians" was hung on a short railing near Moatza square in Be'er Ya'acov, April 21, 2021.
A sign which says "[this kindergarten] is run by lesbians" was hung on a short railing near Moatza square in Be'er Ya'acov on Wednesday, as part of an ongoing campaign of harassment which has recently been focused around the "Motek Shel Gan" kindergarten teacher Aviva Levi.
In addition, The Aguda - Israel's LGBT Task Force said posts which have since been deleted from social media were uploaded on Wednesday bearing the same caption.
Last week, the words "lesbian kindergarten" were spray-painted across the street from where Levi works. 
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"All parents and any interested parents have seen the caption. It is an unending frustration and unfortunately the police are doing nothing to stop this hatred," she said in a statement.
She said that the sign and the harrassment campaign as a whole "violates the peace and hurt my livelihood and enrollment in kindergarten." 
Of the reasons for the campaign she said "I'm not burying my head in the sand, there is a lot of LGBTQ-phobia and it will probably continue to hurt my livelihood. I move on, no one will take me down and I will continue to be who I am proudly."
"Many parents who heard about the cases contacted me, expressed support and then also approached the head of the council asking him to condemn the incident," she continued, adding that she hopes "that LGBTQ-phobic cases like this will stop and that everyone will be able to live their lives in safety."
The Aguda-Israel's LGBT Task Force said in a statement in response to the incident that they "will not let hatred win."
"Anyone who seeks to spread hatred against us will not succeed in their mission. The LGBTQ+ community will continue to be everywhere with love and pride. Anyone who thinks he will succeed in erasing us is greatly mistaken," the association said.
"We expect the Israel Police to bring the criminals to justice. It is a hate crime that has joined dozens of cases in recent weeks. The association has accompanied the kindergarten teacher in front of the law enforcement authorities and we ask anyone else who has experienced LGBTQ-phobia to contact us," the task force added.
The Be'er Ya'acov Local Council condemned the incident as well, saying that 'The local council and its head strongly condemn any expression that harms any person of any gender, ethnicity or otherwise. In Be'er Ya'acov, there is a cohesive, supportive, inclusive community that respects all its residents."