High school students say planned annexation 'will mean apartheid'

Dozens of teenagers protested outside the home of Alternate Prime Minister and Defense Minister Benny Gantz on Thursday, calling to halt Israel's plan to annex 30% of the West Bank and the Jordan Valley.
The planned annexation is a part of US President Donald Trump's Deal of the Century and is meant to lead to a Palestinian state on the remaining 70% of the West Bank.
“Since we were little [children] we heard promises that wars will end and that, when we are older, things here will be better,” an online statement signed by 400 teenagers read. “Now we see more clearly than ever that decision makers sabotage efforts to [reach] peace in a reckless, deliberate attempt.”
The teenagers carried signs saying that annexation would lead to apartheid and that they “will not die” while serving in the army for such a state.
Israel has mandatory military service, meaning that most citizens enlist at the age of 18.
The apartheid system was in place in South Africa from 1948 to 1990 when that nation maintained racial segregation between white and black South Africans.
Those who oppose annexation point out that Palestinians who reside in places that Israel would control will not be able to enjoy any voting rights in the country in which they will be living.