Israel calls on UN to condemn rocket attacks from Gaza

Israel's deputy ambassador to the UN Haim Waxman sent a letter of complaint Sunday to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and members of the UN Security Council regarding the barrage of rocket attacks, calling on them to "unequivocally condemn" the attacks and do everything in their power to "stop the rocket fire that continues to rain down on Israeli civilians, in violation of every precept of international law."
Waxman said that Israel sent a letter "just a few days ago" warning "of the dangers of inaction" by the international community.
"We alerted the Council that these attacks had the potential to ignite a serious escalation of the conflict, which could affect the entire region," he wrote. "The events of the last two days have proven the danger of silence on behalf of the international community at large, and the Security Council, in particular."
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