Israel slowly reducing ‘separation barriers’ between Arabs, Jews in education, Taub report finds

The Israeli education system is in the midst of a slow process of reducing separation between Jews and Arabs, according to the annual Taub Center State of the Nation report released Wednesday.
The report found that the population of pupils attending mixed schools – those in which more than 1 percent of the pupils are Jews and more than 1% are Arabs – grew 59% from 68,000 in 2003 to 109,000 in 2013, representing 6% of all pupils in Israel and some 15% of those in state-run Jewish education.
During the same period, however, the population of pupils attending schools without any Arab students gained 9%, while the population of those attending schools without any Jews increased 33%.
“The buds of integration in Israeli education for the most part do not stem from any deliberate policy of the education system. Rather, they have sprouted from below, from the parents themselves and from the initiatives of organizations in civil society,” the report stated.