Labor MK proposes bill to increase safety rules for ultra-Orthodox events

Labour MK Rabbi Gilad Kariv put a bill forward in Knesset on Tuesday that would abolish the sweeping exemptions which allow ultra-Orthodox events of over 500 people to be held without a proper license.
Kariv's bill comes in the wake of the Mount Meron disaster on Lag Ba'omer which killed 45, and the collapse of the bleachers in the hassidic synagogue in Givat Ze'ev which left two dead and almost 150 injured on Sunday.
According to Kariv, these two events shine a spotlight on the systematic failures which have allowed these events to take place without the correct licensing simply because they are religious events.
"The level of supervision and control over religious events in Israel is too low," said Kariv. "The fact that there are stakeholders who are not interested in the correct supervision only proves that the flaw in the law needs to be corrected."
The bill was signed by all members of the Labor Party.