Livni to Netanyahu: Don't forget our strategic alliance with US

While praising France for taking a hardline position in the P5+1 nuclear talks, Justice Minister Tzipi Livni called on Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on Monday to do more to “maintain the alliance” with the United States despite the recent disagreement over talks aimed at resolving the Iranian nuclear standoff.
“We appreciate France's determined stance in Iran talks, which came from them knowing that a nuclear Iran is dangerous not only to Israel but France and the world,” Livni said. “But we cannot forget that our strategic alliance is with the US and even when there are disagreements, we have to maintain that alliance.”
Livni also said that peace talks with the Palestinians must continue in order to prevent tensions on the ground from spinning out of control.
“Diplomatic negotiations have a value to Israeli security,” Livni told her Hatnuah faction at the Knesset on Monday. “The negotiations can lower the violence and prevent the deterioration of the situation.”