Malinovsky says gov't 'do-nothings' take credit for work of others

Yisrael Beytenu MK Yulia Malinovsky slammed Social Equality Minister Gila Gamliel on Thursday saying that Gamliel was “clueless” when Malinovsky spoke with her about aid to lone soldiers who served in the IDF and that she, Malinovsky, is “able to get more things done than a minister in office.”  
“This is the government that will soon be sworn in, a bunch of do-nothings that take credit for work done by other people,” Malinovsky tweeted in response to Gamliel's Facebook post. 
On Facebook, Gamliel claimed that, thanks to her, former lone soldiers who are not eligible to obtain unemployment aid were able to receive a NIS 4 m. grant. 
Gamliel mentioned Malinonvsky in the post as “joining the effort” to get these NIS 4 m.   
Malinovsky ended her post by saying to the minister that “the matter had not been resolved yet, as the Defense Ministry didn’t send the list of people who are eligible to get this grant.”