Six violent incidents in one day

Naim Suri, a 56-year-old man was shot and killed in Nazareth, northern Israel, a Magen David Adom (MDA) spokesperson reported on Friday.

According to Ynet, Suri was a convicted murderer, who had been released from prison four months ago.

MDA arrived on the scene and determined his death,  the third murder in one day.

"We arrived on the scene and saw a man lying unconscious with intrusive wounds on his body," said Nihad Tator, the MDA medic. "We conducted some medical tests, but there was no sign of life, and we were forced to determine his death."

Another man was shot later in the day in kafr Kassem and was taken to hospital in severe condition.

Another report came in later in the evening of two men injured in a violent incident in Umm al-Fahm. They were taken to hospital by MDA.

A couple of hours later, the police reported that shots were fired towards a car in Umm al-Fahm. A man, woman and child were injured and taken to hospital.