Mauritania supports 'good judgment' of UAE leadership on Israel accord

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu holds a telephone conversation in his office with US President Donald Trump and UAE Crown Prince Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed, August 13, 2020 (photo credit: KOBI GIDEON/GPO)
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu holds a telephone conversation in his office with US President Donald Trump and UAE Crown Prince Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed, August 13, 2020
(photo credit: KOBI GIDEON/GPO)
Mauritania, a member of the Arab League, said it trusts the "wisdom and good judgment" of the United Arab Emirates leadership for signing an accord with Israel to agree to normalise relations, UAE state news agency WAM said on Sunday.

"The UAE possesses absolute sovereignty and complete independence in conducting its relations and assessing the positions it takes in accordance with its national interest and the interests of Arabs and Muslims," WAM quoted a statement from Mauritania's foreign ministry as saying.

Mauritania used to have full diplomatic ties with Israel, but froze relations in 2009 in response to the 2008-09 Gaza war.

This left Jordan and Egypt as the only two Arab states with diplomatic links, until Israel and the UAE on Thursday announced an agreement that will lead to a full normalisation of diplomatic relations between the two states.