Ministerial Committee votes to reduce regulations on food pesticides, livestock vaccinations

Regulations on agricultural pesticides as well as livestock vaccinations and disinfectants could soon be lightened after the Ministerial Committee on Regulation in the Prime Minister's office approved a proposal to lessen regulations and bureaucracy surrounding the items.
According to a statement from the Prime Minister's Office, the regulations on the aforementioned materials account for almost NIS 2 billion each year. The PMO said with lightened regulation, approval time and costs will be reduced significantly.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that "cutting down on the regulatory burden is a national goal." He said that his government is taking steps to "shorten and simplify [bureaucratic] processes," and make things easier for citizens.
Agriculture Minister Uri Ariel, whose ministry proposed the initiative, said that the time has come for farmers to not be enslaved to forms and procedures. "By breaking down the obstacles," he said, "we will be able to reduce the bureaucratic process by 70 percent and allow farmers to maximize their profits.