Palestinian killed in clashes with Israeli forces near Jenin

A Palestinian was killed in clashes with Israeli forces in Burqin, just days after two other Palestinians were killed in clashes in the town.

 Islamic Jihad gunmen attend a funeral of one of the Palestinians killed late Saturday night in clashes with the IDF in the West Bank village of Burqin. (photo credit: REUTERS/RANEEN SAWAFTA)
Islamic Jihad gunmen attend a funeral of one of the Palestinians killed late Saturday night in clashes with the IDF in the West Bank village of Burqin.

A Palestinian was killed after firing towards Israeli security forces in the village of Burqin, near Jenin in the West Bank on Thursday morning, according to the Palestinian WAFA news agency. Two other Palestinians were also reportedly injured in the clashes.

The Palestinian was identified as 22-year-old Alaa Nasser Zayoud, an operative in the al-Quds Brigades, the military wing of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) terrorist movement.

Clashes broke out overnight Wednesday and continued into the morning after IDF soldiers and Border Police entered the city in order to arrest suspects and locate weapons based on intelligence provided by the Shin Bet internal security agency, according to Border Police.

During the arrest operation, clashes broke out between Palestinians and the Israeli forces, with one terrorist opening fire towards them. The IDF soldiers and Border Police officers returned fire, hitting the terrorist and confiscating his weapon, a Carlo submachine gun.

No Israelis were injured in the clashes.

 Carlo submachine gun confiscated from terrorist who fired towards Israeli forces near Jenin (credit: ISRAEL POLICE)
Carlo submachine gun confiscated from terrorist who fired towards Israeli forces near Jenin (credit: ISRAEL POLICE)

Earlier this week, two Palestinians were killed in clashes with Israeli forces in Burqin, as Israeli forces carried out a wave of anti-Hamas operations across the West Bank. Three other Palestinians were killed and two IDF soldiers were injured in the wave of operations.