Panel to improve public nutrition

A committee to promote healthful lifestyles and nutritious food consumption has been named by Health Minister Ya’acov Litzman. Although the ministry set up a project called Efsharibari (“It’s Possible to Be Healthy”) several years ago to advance better health in the country, more must be done, Litzman said Sunday.
The Efsharibari team pressured food companies to reduce the amount of salt in processed foods and improve the nutritional value of meals in educational institutions.
But Litzman said much more needs to be done, including better labeling of food products and of meals served in restaurants, as well as taxing food with a low nutritious value.
The committee will prepare recommendations on regulation and how to influence the public’s diets, limit the presence of certain ingredients in foods and supervise the prices of healthful foods. The chairman will be ministry director-general (and trained economist) Moshe Bar Siman Tov.