Poll: Bayit Yehudi rises five seats in one week

Naftali Bennett's Bayit Yehudi party continues to rise in polls, gaining five seats in the past week for a total of 18 seats that it would win if the elections were held today, according to a Geocartography poll conducted on Wednesday for Israel Radio.
The poll also shows Likud Beytenu will get 35 seats, Labor 18, Shas 8, The Tzipi Livni Party 6, Strong Israel 6 and Yesh Atid 5.
The poll shows no change for the Arab parties Hadash, Balad and UAL-Ta'al, that would win 11 seats all together.
The right-wing and religious parties bloc would win 73 mandates and the Center-Left and Arab parties bloc would win 47 seats, according to the poll.